This piece is inspired by "man" and our interaction with the technologies we create. The wheel form represents technology while the figure within the wheel represents human kind. Together they symbolize the product of this relationship. The man is armored in and propelling himself by means of technology, however, how we use or "Wield" this power, is a treacherous balancing act. Together man and technology can be an advantageous relationship in pursuit of our future, yet failure to control our means of growth responsibly can lead to an accident of our own demise.
5' DIA. Base 76" x 24" steel
About this style
I'm currently exploring and developing a fabrication process that I believe to be uniquely my own, I then apply this technique to a subject mater, my preference often being the human form. The process involves cold forging by way of hammer and anvil. Sheet metals such as steel, stainless steel, and bronze are used to create the individual pieces. Piece by piece I painstakingly template, cut, hammer form, grind, polish, and layer onto the overall sculpture. The process is time consuming, difficult, and the chances of "mission creep" a constant challenge. Mission creep, if you are unfamiliar with the terms means, if your a little off in the beginning, your way off at the end. However the challenges are largely what motivate me and I find the results well worth the effort.